The Trojan war and Heinrich Schliemann
class 22 Jo-sung-il
Hi, my namer is Jo-sung-IL and I'm in class 22, and today I'll talk two stories about The Trojan War, And who found the ruins of Troy, There is two kinds of stories about The Trojan War, one is greek myth and the other one is Herodotos's book called 'History' The Trojan War in the Greek myths, tell us that the Prince Paris from city of Troy, ran away with the Queen of Sparta, Helene. So the angry king of Sparta, formed an army, and with the other kings and princes in Greece. They invaded City of Troy. The people of Troy tried fought back the Greeks. So the fight continued about ten years, for that many years. that walls of Troy didn't fall down. The Greek General Odysseus, planed a great plan. You probably heard about the Trojan horse, it's very famous horse. that the Greeks used to invade Troy, In side the Trojan horse you can put 30 soldiers, Greeks built that huge horse with wood and destroyed the City of Troy. The Greek general Odysseus really was a real good planner, and one of his soldiers was very good planner and actor so that they fool the people of Troy very easily. What they planned is like put 30 soldiers in The Trojan horse and they waited for the people of troy to pull the horse inside the castle and they can invade the city with the rest of the army, and this plan really worked and the city of Troy destroyed, and queen of Sparta returned to his king back, But what the Herodotos had wrote is quite differently in his book called 'History'. This book was written by Herodotos when he was traveling, he wrote lots of chapters about lots of other stories like The Trojan War, like what I'm saying now, and how the persia got strong, and how can the greeks defend themselves from the persians. In this famous book, Herodotos had wrote that the Prince Paris from troy kidnapped Helene, and when they tried to sail back to Troy, they met a real big storm that they landed on the shores of egypt, instead of troy, But the king of Sparta didn't know that they landed on Egypt, instead of troy. So they invaded Troy, However for the People of Troy they were confused to they really did not know what's happening. Because they too did not know where's prince Paris is, and they are really confused and did not know what to do when the Greeks invaded them, They said to the Greeks that they had no ideas where is prince Paris is, But the Greeks thought they were lying and they invaded anyway so one City fell because of Mistake that the Prince had made, As for Paris he was kick out of Egypt, because of the mistakes that he made, It's quite different that what the Greek myth is saying, and what Herodotos had wrote. But in now a days people believe Herodotos's story more than the Greek Myth, I believe the Herodotos's story more than the Greek myth, because it seems more true than the greek myth, and now I'll talk about the man who found the ruins of Troy, That man is Heinrich Schliemann, He is an German and he lived about 68 years, he found something very long time ago and I'm going to tell you what is it. Heinrich was born in germany and he died in italy. when he was a boy, He read what the llias had wrote in his book. and boy Heinrich believe there was a city called troy. When he became older he had become rich man, and when he became rich man he tried to find the City of Troy, and in 1870s he finally stood up in the hill where he believed that was the place that the city of Troy existed. and finally he found ruins of the Troy, and he had become famous for find an ancient City. He found some arts that is not destroyed a lot and he collected them and studied that the City of Troy was really rich. and the arts that Heinrich collected were in the Berlin's national museum. Before the World war 2 had started. Heinrich made really amazing discovery that we did not know for lots of centuries, and we now know that the The Trojan war was real not fake, because of that we can know lots of others thing about The Trojan War.
thank you for listening to my speech.
Good essay, but could you change the font and not make everything centered? Separate ideas into paragraphs so people will want to read it. Right now it looks too chunky.